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Walking to a Healthier Life

WALKING – the simple act of moving one foot in front of the other. It’s free, it’s convenient, and it can greatly improve your health and quality of life.

Despite the ease and convenience of walking, many of us fail to take advantage of this simple form of exercise. Walking just 30 minutes a day is linked to numerous health benefits, including a reduced risk of heart disease, lower blood sugar, better mood, decreased joint pain, and an improved quality of life.


Walking Fact or Fiction??

Everyone should aim for 10,000 steps a day.

  • FALSE. While walking 10,000 steps a day is a great long-term goal, it is not a necessary or realistic goal for everyone. Health benefits can occur with just 30 minutes of walking a day or 150 minutes of walking a week. Any amount of walking is better than none, so instead of focusing on a step goal, simply focus on increasing the time you spend walking.


Walking can help you lose weight.

  • TRUE. If you have a goal to lose or maintain weight, walking can be a great addition to your program. In addition to burning calories, walking can also build muscle mass which improves metabolism. For an increased calorie burn, try increasing your speed, walking uphill, or implementing intervals.


Jogging is more effective that walking.

  • FALSE. Both walking and jogging are great forms of cardiovascular exercise and neither should be tiered “better” than the other. For those that cannot tolerate the impact of running, walking is a great low-impact option that reduces the risk of injury.


For optimal results, walking should occur as a planned workout for a minimum of 30 minutes.

  • FALSE. The American Heart Association does recommend 30 minutes a day of aerobic exercise for optimal health benefits, but the length of sessions is entirely dependent on the individual. Completing three 10 minute sessions or taking a 5 minute walk every hour is just as beneficial as walking for 30 minutes straight.


  • Schedule a walking meeting
  • Park far away
  • Walk while on the phone
  • Find a walking partner
  • Skip the drive-thru
  • Set an alarm to remind yourself to get moving
  • Take a short walk after you eat your meal
  • Going somewhere nearby? Walk to it!

While we may not be able to have a walking partner or skip the drive thru right now, due to COVID-19, we can still keep these tips in mind as things return to normal. Until then, let’s take advantage of our extra time at home and begin walking towards a healthier life! 😊

Please feel free to email your coach support team at should you have any questions or would like resources on a specific topic.

Yours in Health,

Sis. Aleta McLean and Sis. Gloria White

Coach Support Coordinators

Sis. Portia Griffin

HRM Coordinator

Attachments area


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