What's Happening at Beulah
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NOONDAY BIBLE STUDY Zoom Link: https://beulahbaptist-org.zoom.us/j/87983849463?pwd=K0VpazFiakF1U2RDRW9WNzc5T0w4dz09 Meeting ID: 879 8384 9463 Password: 462964 One tap mobile +14703812552,,87983849463# US (Atlanta) +14702509358,,87983849463# US (Atlanta) Download the Noon Bible Study Lesson…
On December 12th, Jerry D. Black discovered America, and we are celebrating! Join us as we unite as a church family to celebrate the Birthday of our Pastor, the Reverend…
This Week's Prayer Focus Bring It! Malachi 3:10 Our Prayer Warriors are here to pray with and for you! Wednesday morning at 6AM Friday evening at 7PM Sunday morning…
The annual Secret Christmas Shoppe will be returning for the Holiday Season! Shoppers, walkers to age 16, will be able to select gifts for their parents/guardians at no cost. There…