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ADULTS Click HERE to download a copy of the lesson outline Adult Classes offered In-Person, streamed Live via this website, Facebook and YouTube Every Sunday at 8am Young Adult (FRESH)…
NOONDAY BIBLE STUDY Zoom Link: https://beulahbaptist-org.zoom.us/j/87983849463?pwd=K0VpazFiakF1U2RDRW9WNzc5T0w4dz09 Meeting ID: 879 8384 9463 Password: 462964 One tap mobile +14703812552,,87983849463# US (Atlanta) +14702509358,,87983849463# US (Atlanta) Download the Noon Bible Study Lesson…
Pastor Black is the guest preacher at the New Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, 1690 Melrose Dr. SW Atlanta, Georgia, for the Deacons’ Ordination Service Sunday, October 27 at 3 pm.…
During this month of October, Clergy Appreciation Month, we honor, and we pray for and praise God for our man of God, who is leading us by faith, our pastor,…