Listed below for your information and use, you will find the guidelines relative to having a wedding at the Beulah Missionary Baptist Church.
- In order to have your wedding in the church’s Worship Center, either the bride or groom must be a member of the church.
- Members of the community and the church may reserve the church’s “Family Life Center” for their wedding.
- To confirm the date of your marriage, a signed “Preliminary Information Form” and deposit must be submitted, in person, to the church office.
- The bride and groom must complete all six (6) “Premarital” counseling sessions prior to the wedding date.
- The wedding party must use a church appointed Wedding Coordinator.
- All deposits are non-refundable.
You may download a copy of the Preliminary Information Form by {clicking here}.
Please note that the church offers the “Premarital” counseling sessions for both members and non-members of the church. You may obtain additional information on the counseling sessions by calling 404-241-3307, ext 244.
If you have any questions relative to scheduling a wedding at the church, please contact the church office at 404-241-3307.
If you wish to contact a “Wedding Coordinator”, you may submit an email to: