Genie Jackson Circle
The Genie Jackson Circle exists to meet the spiritual, physical, and financial needs of all sisters and brothers in the church, community, and foreign nations.
Meetings: Every 4th Saturday @ 9:00am
For more information about the Genie Jackson Circle, contact:
The G.L.O.W
Matthew 5:16: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
Mission: The G.L.O.W.’s mission is to encourage the youth of Beulah Missionary Baptist Church to discover God’s purpose for their lives through daily worship, and to honor Him through community service and outreach.
Purpose: The purpose of the G.L.O.W. is to GROW, LEARN, OSERVE, AND WITNESS by sharing God’s goodness through spreading our love and donating our time to the need of others.
Meetings: To be determined
For more information about the G.L.O.W, contact:
Golden Eagles
Purpose: The Golden Eagles are composed of adults (55 years and older) who continue renewing themselves spiritually and aging with dignity.
Membership Criteria: Members must be 55 years or older.
Meeting Date: Meetings are every third Wednesday.
For more information about the Golden Eagles, contact:

Homeless Street Ministry
We seek out individuals on the streets in Dekalb and Fulton County and provide food, clothing and spiritual enrichment through biblical tracks and prayer.
Meeting Date and Time: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.; Outings 2nd and 4th Fridays
For more information about the Homeless Street Ministry, contact:
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
The purpose of the Intercessory Prayer ministry is to petition God for the needs and desires of others. We are called to stand in the gap between the problem and the solution. We pray on behalf of those in the world who may be going through the many problems encounter in life.
Membership Criteria: This organization is open to all members of the Beulah Missionary Baptist Church and our visiting friends.
Meeting Date: Meetings are every Friday at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
For more information about the Intercessory Prayer Ministry, contact:

Maggie Howard Circle
The purpose of the Maggie Howard Circle is to touch lives by sharing the Gospel through Bible study, prayer, stewardship, community involvement, fellowship and action. We make ourselves available to the Church and those in need.
Meeting Date: Meetings are every 3rd Saturday at 12 noon.
For more information about the Maggie Howard Circle, contact:
Joshua Man Brotherhood
Our Mission is to provide a ministry that will strengthen the men of Beulah through spiritual development, discipleship, and deployment. A ministry where every man has a voice.
Meeting Date and Time: Every 4th Tuesday at 7 Room 112.
SignUp for Ministry Alerts: Click [here]
For more information about the Joshua Man Brotherhood, contact:

Ministry of Evangelism
Out of the gifts that one can give, the gift of salvation is by far the greatest. This ministry was established to facilitate the fulfillment of the Great Commission as stated in Matthew 28:18-20
Meeting Date and Time: Every 2nd Saturday at 9 a.m
For more information about the Ministry of Evangelism, contact:
Ministry for the Incarcerated
It is our mission to deliver the mentally, physically and spiritually bonded teaching them that prayer and faith changes things in their spiritual and physical lives.
Meeting Date and Time: Tuesday after 1st and 3rd Sunday
For more information about the Ministry for the Incarcerated contact:
Mother Board
The purpose of Mother Board is to stimulate a missionary spirit in the women of the church through prayer, increased knowledge of the bible and some form of organized personal service for the needy of the community. To develop a symmetrical christian womanhood and ideal christian home, to bind together the women of the church for world-wide-service for Christ.
Membership Criteria: Potential members are subject to the approval of the pastor and the deacon board.
Meeting Date: First Wednesday of Each Month
SignUp for Ministry Alerts: Click [here]
For more information about the Mother Board, contact:
Service Guild
The purpose of the Service Guild to donate items monthly to children and adult shelters, send get-well wishes to the church sick/shut-in and visit nursing homes. We also sponsor a Mother’s Day Banquet annually to honor Beulah’s Mother’s Boards.
Meeting Date: Meetings are every 4th Saturday at 1 p.m.
For more information about the Service Guild, contact:

Women’s Ministry
We promote Christian missions through a program of mission study, prayer, community mission and stewardship. Our goal is to become and help others become spiritually rooted and grounded in the Word by spreading the Gospel.
Meeting Date and Time: Monday before the 4th Sunday of each month at 7 p.m.
SignUp for Ministry Alerts: Click [here]
For more information about the Women’s Ministry, contact:
Women Working for Christ
The purpose of the Women Working for Christ Missionary is to promote Christian Missions through a program of mission study, prayer, community mission and stewardship. Our goal is to become and help others become spiritually rooted and grounded in the Word by the spreading of the Gospel.
Membership Criteria: This organization is open to all women 18 and over.
Meeting Date: Meetings are every 1st Monday at 7 p.m. If the first Monday of the month is a holiday or follows a holiday weekend, the meeting will be on the second Monday of the month.
For more information about Women Working for Christ contact: