O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness – Psalm 96:9
- Do cut off your cell phone prior to entering the sanctuary.
- Do share your hymnal, Bible.
- Do greet fellow worshippers in Christian Love.
- Do acknowledge your gratitude for any courteous act or expression.
- Do refrain from chatting, distracting behavior, note- passing.
- Do bow your head and close your eyes during prayer.
- Do sit in an attitude of reverence during scripture reading and prayer.
- Do raise your finger to eye-level to get the attention of an usher or officer on duty.
- Do graciously follow the instructions of the church ushers or officers.
- Do refrain from leaving the worship service before the benediction has been pronounced.
- Do leave church pews, choir stand, and church altar neat and orderly.
- Do make every effort possible to allow others to sit on your pew.
- Don’t allow children to stand on the pews.
- Don’t chew gum while on duty or while worshipping in the sanctuary
- Don’t distract others from the spirit of worshipping in the sanctuary.
- Don’t distract others from the spirit of worship by unnecessary walking.
- Don’t make your own change from the offering plate.
- Don’t wave currency in the air to signify the need for change or assistance.
- Don’t walk, tip-toe, or move about during prayer, communion, baptism, scripture-reading, or baby dedication.
- Don’t stare or interfere with someone who is out outwardly moved by the Holy Spirit.
- Don’t partake of the communion elements except in an attitude of reverence.
- Don’t take photographs or videos during worship the worship service.
- Don’t use the sanctuary except for worship or preparation for worship.
- Don’t disrespect the sanctuary or allow children to play on the altar, chancel, or pulpit areas.
- Don’t walk in the pulpit area or behind the pulpit.
- Don’t eat or drink in the sanctuary.
- Don’t forget that Jesus said,”My house shall be called of all nations a house of prayer.” Mark 11:17.