Activities Department
The purpose of the Activities Department is to promote and host numerous social and physical activities that will help any member to restore or attain and maintain personal balance and health in their life. The ministry focus is on prevention and to promote a healthy lifestyle among members of the church. To address health related issues within an organizations, through hosting conferences and special events. To serve as a resource and educational component of the church to help our members reach their destine toward a healthy lifestyle in order to serve effectively within our church and support our pastor’ vision each year as give to him by the Almighty God.
For more information about the Activities Committee, contact:
Associate Ministers
Information to be provided.
SignUp for Ministry Alerts: Click [here]
For more information about the Associate Ministers, contact:
To be provided
Bereavement Ministry
The Bereavement Ministry consist of a group of dedicated volunteers who prepare and serve family members after funeral services.
For more information about the Bereavement Ministry, contact:
Beulah Business Network
The Beulah Business Network (BBN) seeks to provide for business owners, who are members of the church, an avenue to convene and commune in a Christian, as well as , professional setting. The BBN has adopted a multifaceted mission, which includes; providing an opportunity to network and fellowship with other business owners, assisting members in promoting their products / services, increasing business revenues, and providing educational workshops and classes / seminars to help businesses in areas of organization and finance; conduction workshops and classes for the entire Beulah congregation as a whole an implementing a process that will track and post job opportunities on a regular basis. The BBN seeks to accomplish al of these goals while simultaneously serving God through assisting others and helping its members to realize the value of operating their business under Christian guidelines.
For more information about the Beulah Business Network, contact:

Culinary Ministry
The Culinary Ministry is responsible for the preparation and serving of all meals served on the church campus. This includes meal preparations for Wednesday Bible Study; Sunday morning breakfast, and all events and activities taking place at the church.
For more information about the Culinary Ministry, contact:
Courtesy Guild
The Courtesy Guild renders assistance and ministers to all persons entering the doors of Beulah Missionary Baptist Church by making them feel welcome and by letting the love for Jesus flow from us to them by:
- Recognizing and welcoming all visitors worshiping with us.
- Registering all visitors attending Sunday services throughout the year.
- Being available to any member or visitor in need of assistance.
- Supporting all church activities
For more information about the Courtesy Guild, contact:
Deaconess Board
The mission of the Deaconess Ministry is to be valuable supportive partners to the Deacon Board of Beulah Missionary Baptist Church and serve as a role model in our church and community.
For more information about the Deaconess Ministry, contact:
Glenda J. Black Ministers Wives Spouses
The mission of the Glenda J. Black Minister’s Spouses and Widows Guild is to: Encourage, support, and strengthen the bonds of friendship among all ministers’ spouses and widows. To be committed to serve and enhance our lives by studying the Word of God, Pray with and for one another, provide spiritual resources including, workshops, seminars, reading materials, et. To address issues that re unique to ministers’ spouses as it relates to the church, the marriage, and the family.
For more information about the Glenda J. Black Ministers Wives Spouses Ministry contact:
First Family Aide Ministry
The First Family Aide Ministry comprises members charged to carry out the command found in 1 Thessalonians 5:12 & 13.
Their objective is to aide the Pastor and the First Family of Beulah Missionary Baptist Church
For more information about the First Family Aide Ministry, contact:

Health Resource Ministry
The Health Resource Ministry was established out of the necessity to minister to the whole person, physically, mentally and spiritually. To enhance and support established organizations and events to further meet the health needs of members of our church and community.
To focus on prevention and promote a healthy lifestyle among members of our church. To address health related issues within organizations, conferences and special events. To serve as a resource, referral and educational component of our church to help our members live life to the fullest and live it more abundantly.
Health Resource Ministry Goals:
- To develop a resource directory listing members of our church currently working in a health and service related area and make it available to each member of the health resource ministry and to the Minister of Pastoral Care to minister to the needs of our congregation.
- To provide health education information to members of our church body through our present printed media The Beulah Newsletter. Each year HRM members will address health issues based upon the National Monthly Health Observances that have the greatest impact among our people by submitting a monthly article to the Beulah Newsletter. Additionally the Health Resource Ministry utilizes the present freestanding receptacles to place appropriate pamphlets, brochures and flyers to keep members informed about current health issues and activities.
- To increase health awareness within our church body through conferences, special events and organizations already in existence. Since activities such as health fairs, seminars etc. as stand alone activities have not been well attended in general previously, the Health Resource Ministry takes a more inclusive approach. Members of the Health Resource Ministry are assigned to work with conferences, special events, or organizations to identify health needs and coordinate activities within those groups to meet the health needs of the people. Some of the groups we have worked with to achieve this goal are the Family Life Conference, Counseling Ministry through the church counselor, Youth Department, Golden Eagles, Womens Ministry and Cancer Support Group.
It should be noted that the Health Resource Ministry falls under the guidance of the Activities Department.
Membership Criteria: The Health Resource Ministry consist of health professionals, the church counselor, lay people from various organizations, physicians and a physically challenged individual.
Meeting Date: The Health Resource Ministry meets on a Bi-Monthly basis. Therefore they have only six meetings per year. Meeting dates, times and locations are posted in the Week At A Glance of the church bulletin.
SignUp for Health Resource Updates: Click [here]
For more information about the Health Resource Ministry, contact:
LEAP Tutorial Ministry
The mission of the Beulah Missionary Baptist Church Tutorial Ministry is to provide Spirit-led learning, enrichment, and support to our members and our community. Our ministry tutors children and adults, and supports parents in their children’s educational advancement.
For more information about the LEAP Tutorial Ministry, contact:
Media Ministry
The Media Ministry is responsible for providing the audio and video services used by the church to support worship services, bible study, streaming services, and the sale of all sermons. The ministry is also responsible for the maintenance and servicing of the equipment used to provide the aforementioned services.
For more information about the Media Ministry, contact:
New Members Ministry
The purpose of the ministry is to greet new members as they join Beulah Baptist Church, and to find out the status in which they come to join the church. To also assist them in the official registration process in placing them on our church roster.
The New Members’ Ministry is designed specifically for the teaching and instruction of all new members to the Beulah Baptist Church family. Members of all status: New Salvation, Rededication, Letter, and/or Christian Experience are all ministered to in the same way to insure consistent doctrinal beliefs of the entire membership. There are seven classes that are a part of the curriculum that teach the essence of the Baptist Faith and Religion.
For more information about the New Members Ministry, contact:
Nurses Guild
Respond to sudden illnesses and assess the medical needs of our members and visitors during worship services, funerals and special events. A mediator between families and EMT when illness occurs at church. In addition to providing support to the Pastor.
Membership Criteria: Each member must be 18 years or older.
Training which consists of Church nurse comfort techniques
Additionally, members are required to obtain First Aid/ CPR by certified instructors.
Meeting Date: Every 3rd Saturday at 10am
For more information about the New Members Ministry, contact:
Connie Cade – Vice President

Open Hands Ministry
Our purpose is to interpret the word of God through sign language and help deaf members understand the importance of Salvation.
Membership Criteria: Anyone who is deaf or hard of hearing and seeking the word of God. In addition, any hearing person interested in interpreting God’s word through Sign language.
Our Goal:
* To make sure deaf members fully understand the preached messages.
* Helping bridge the communication gap between the deaf and hearing members
* To allow deaf members equal access of Church activities
* To increase interpreting skills as needed to accommodate all deaf members.
For more information about the Open Hands Ministry, contact:
PR/Marketing Committee
The PR / Marketing committee is responsible for the internal and external marketing of all church events and activities. This includes the development of marketing strategies and the production of the Beulah News Network Broadcast.
For more information about the PR/Marketing Committee, contact:
Walter Martin Photography Club
The Walter Martin photo club is a ministry composed of volunteers who take professional quality pictures of events and activities hosted by the church and the family life center. They provided training by a professional photography to improve both their skills and the quality of the photos taken at church events and activities. While the photos are not for sale, they are used in news articles and archived for historical purposes.
For more information about the Walter Martin Photography Club, contact:
Scholarship Committee
The purpose of the Scholarship Committee is to manage the process that identifies high school graduates and college students who are eligible to receive a scholarship from the church.
For more information about the Twelve Tribes Ministry, contact:

Social Justice Ministry
Our mission statement:
The purpose of the Social Justice Ministry is to disseminate information and education the church’s membership on issues that affect its members on social, political, and economic issues.
We will endeavor to disseminate information of political issues-voting rights, voter suppression, voter education, voter registration, GOTV, mass incarceration; economical issues-housing, zoning, gentrification, transit, jobs; and social- sex trafficking, interfacing with law enforcement, health disparities, education, etc.
For more information about the Social Justice Ministry, contact:

Twelve Tribes Ministry
The purpose of the Twelve Tribes Ministry is to administer the members retention program for the church. This involves helping new adult members of the church get acquainted with the membership and assisting others where needed.
For more information about the Twelve Tribes Ministry, contact:
Ushers Ministry
Information to be provided.
Wedding Ministry
The Wedding Ministry is responsible for the coordination of all weddings conducted on the campus of the church. The assigned wedding coordinator serves as a liaison between the church and the wedding party to ensure that all church guidelines and rules are adhered to during the planning and execution of all weddings.
For more information about the Wedding Ministry, contact:
Glenda J. Black Cancer Support Group for Men and Women
“Transforming Pain Into Purpose” The ministry provides emotional, mental, and spiritual support for those who are impacted by cancer as well as support for their families and / or caregivers.
Meeting time: The second Tuesday of each month
For more information about the Ministry, contact: