Alfonza Campbell Choir
Purpose: The mission of the ministry is to uplift, worship, and minister through praise and song.
Meeting Date: The Alfonza Campbell Choir meets at 7 pm on the Thursday before the second Sunday and at 10 am on Saturday before the second Sunday in the choir room.
SignUp for Choir Alerts: Click [here]
For more information about the Alfonza Campbell Choir, contact:
E.D. Thomas Male Chorus
Purpose: The mission of the ministry is to uplift, worship, and minister through praise and song.
Meeting Date: Rehearsal is held Tuesday after the 1st Sunday at 7:00 pm, Monday after the 2nd Sunday at 7:00 pm, Saturday before the 3rd Sunday at 10:00 am.
For more information about the E.D. Thomas Male Chorus, contact:

J.D. Black Sr. Choir
Purpose: To glorify god through music: To proclaim the message of salvation with music, and to compliment the ministry of the spoken Word.
Meeting Date: Rehearsals are held Tuesday before the first Sunday and Saturday before the first Sunday
SignUp for Choir Alerts: Click [here]
For more information about the J.D. Black Sr. Choir, contact:
Sacrifice Choir
Purpose: Sacrifice Choir’s purpose is to exalt God in all selections and service by offering sacrifices of praise through song. We ask the Holy Spirit to order our steps, being obedient to Gods word. We are committed to be dedicated choir members to the calling of our ministry, with a positive attitude to usher praises to bless God. Our savior, Jesus Christ, made the true sacrifice on the cross. For that reason, we will always proclaim the good news and give Him all glory and all honor.
Mission Statement: To enhance the teaching and preaching of the gospel by witnessing in worship through songs of the good news of Christ while creating an atmosphere for: worshipping Christ, renewing of the spirit, restoration of the soul, preservation of the sanctity of worship through song, reflections of Gods blessings, and assisting in guiding lost souls to Christ.
Membership Criteria: Must be a member of Beulah MBC at least 18 years old; enjoy singing praises to bless God and ministry to the congregation. Make a sacrifice to sing every Sunday and with the BMBC Combined Choir. Be a dedicated choir member, and committed to attend rehearsals.
Meeting Date: Regular rehearsal times are each Monday night from 7:00 – 9 p.m. There is no rehearsal on the Monday night before the third Sunday.
SignUp for Choir Alerts: Click [here]
For more information about the Sacrifice Choir, contact:

P.W. Elliott Children’s Choir
Lifting the name of Jesus we proclaim His word through music.
Our mission is to love the Lord and tell others of His love by using our gifts as we serve him with gladness. For He has created us to “Worship” Him in spirit and truth.
Membership Criteria: Ages 4 – 12.
Meeting Date: Rehearsals are held on Saturday before the 2nd Sunday at 1:00 pm & Saturday before
the 4th Sunday at 12:30 pm.
For more information about the P.W. Elliott Children’s Choir, contact:
Tom Carlton Youth & Young Adult Choir
Our purpose is to encourage Christian Living and Growth through the Ministry of the Gospel in Song.
Our goal is to set the atmosphere for worship and prepare the hearts of people to receive the Word of God.
Our pledge is to use our Spiritual Gifts for the upbuilding of the Kingdom and Body of Christ
Membership Criteria: Minimum age requirement 13 years old.
Meeting Date: Choir Rehearsal: Tuesday before the 4th Sunday at 7:00 p.m. Choir Room Saturday
before the 4th Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Choir Room
For more information about the Tom Carlton Youth & Young Adult Choir, contact:

MADD (Music, Arts, Dance and Drama) Ministry
Purpose: The mission of the MADD Ministry it to illustrate the word of God and to uplift the spirit of man through various forms of art within the church and the community. With the aide and guidance of the Holy Spirit, we seek to shake up and compel the lost, encourage and revive the low in spirit, and rejoice and celebrate with the saints. Through this ministry, it is our desire for God to manifest Himself through us that others will see a sermon and not only hear one.
Membership Criteria: The MADD Ministry is open to all members of the Beulah Missionary Baptist Church.
Meeting Date: MADD Ministry meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7 p.m.
For more information about the MADD (Music, Arts, Dance and Drama) Ministry, contact:
Beulah Praise Dance Ministry
Purpose: Our purpose is to impart and administer Gods WORD through the Ministry of Dance. Throughout scripture, dance is linked to life, freedom, salvation and victory over the enemy. Dance is a tool used to convey that power of the WORD to bring salvation to the afflicted and freedom to those who were bound through the physical movements of worshiping and praising GOD humbly in spirit and in truth.
Our mission is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and the living WORD through movement. We are the WORD in MOTION.
Our goals are:
- To know Gods purpose for dance in the church
- To To have a good prayer life and be in the will of God
- To strive to be spiritually minded in every aspect of our life
- To ensure that dancers are spiritually, physically and mentally prepared for this ministry
- To be humble, submissive and tactile in the Lords hands, as clay in a potters hands
- To dwell on one accord and support one another spiritually
Membership Criteria:
There are groups for all ages! We accept new members yearly during the month of October. All members are required to go through a period of study and training in preparation for ministering through dance.
- Led By Christ Ages 5-12
- Creative Teens Ages 13-17
- Women of Glory Ages 18-46
- Praise Warriors Ages 47+
- Banner and Flag Bearers Ages 18+
Meeting Date: Meetings vary dependent on the dance group. Please check the Week at a Glance Calendar.
For more information about the Beulah Praise Dance Ministry, contact:

Beulah Praise Team Ministry
It is the BMBC Praise Team’s mission to worship for God’s benefit. It is the Praise Team’s ministry to focus our congregation’s attention on coming together as a Body, lifting our hearts to God. Our Ministry goal is:
- To worship, honor and praise our God
- To provide active participatory songs to motivate and engage our diverse congregation, offering a blended service of traditional and contemporary songs.
The BMBC Praise Team seeks to worship bringing our own spirituality, talents and time together to praise God.