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Welcome to the “MyBeulah” page.

This page is intended to provide self-service to the members of the church.  Successfully creating an account from this page will allow members to:

  1. View and print their previous year contributions for tax reporting purposes.
  2. View their current year contribution (subject to posting delay by the Finance Department).
  3. Update their household and family information such as:
    1. A change of address
    2. Martial status
    3. Email address
    4. Changes to who lives in your household

Create an Account

To create an account, click the “login” link located to the right mid-page to the right and provide the requested information.  Note that you may enter your email address.

If the information provided is validated against your record, you will receive either:

  • An email what the next steps regarding setting up your account.

Having a problem

Having a problem creating an account, click [HERE] to request assistance.

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